participantRequested function

void participantRequested(
  1. ParticipantRequestedOptions options

Handles the participant request to join the event.

This function takes a ParticipantRequestedOptions object, which contains the user's request, the current request list, waiting room list, and functions to update the request list and the total count.

Example usage:

final options = ParticipantRequestedOptions(
  userRequest: Request(id: "user123", reason: "join"),
  requestList: [Request(id: "user1", reason: "help")],
  waitingRoomList: [WaitingRoomParticipant(id: "user2", name: "Alice")],
  updateTotalReqWait: (count) => print("Total requests: $count"),
  updateRequestList: (list) => print("Updated request list: $list"),

// Output:
// "Updated request list: [{ id: 'user1', reason: 'help' }, { id: 'user123', reason: 'join' }] "
// "Total requests: 3"


void participantRequested(ParticipantRequestedOptions options) {
  // Add the user request to the request list
  final updatedRequestList = List<Request>.from(options.requestList)

  // Update the total count of requests and waiting room participants
  final reqCount = updatedRequestList.length + options.waitingRoomList.length;