meetingTimeRemaining function

Future<void> meetingTimeRemaining(
  1. {required MeetingTimeRemainingOptions options}

Updates the meeting time remaining and shows an alert if the event type is not 'chat'.

This function takes in MeetingTimeRemainingOptions which contains the remaining time in milliseconds, an optional showAlert function to display the alert, and the eventType.

Converts timeRemaining to minutes and seconds and, if eventType is not 'chat', shows an alert with the formatted time.

Example usage:

await meetingTimeRemaining(
  options: MeetingTimeRemainingOptions(
    timeRemaining: 450000, // 7 minutes and 30 seconds
    eventType: 'meeting',
    showAlert: (message, type, duration) => print(message),
// Output:
// "The event will end in 7:30 minutes."


Future<void> meetingTimeRemaining({
  required MeetingTimeRemainingOptions options,
}) async {
  final int minutes = options.timeRemaining ~/ 60000;
  final int seconds = (options.timeRemaining % 60000) ~/ 1000;
  final String timeRemainingString =
      '$minutes:${seconds.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}';

  // Show alert with time remaining if eventType is not 'chat'
  if (options.eventType != {
      message: 'The event will end in $timeRemainingString minutes.',
      type: 'success',
      duration: 3000,