disconnect function

void disconnect(
  1. DisconnectOptions options

Disconnects the user from the session, updating the necessary state and triggering alerts if needed.

If onWeb is true and redirectURL is provided, the function performs a redirect. Otherwise, it shows an alert indicating the user has been disconnected, and after a delay, updates the validation state to false if updateValidated is provided.


  showAlert: (message, type, duration) => print('$message ($type) for $duration ms'),
  redirectURL: 'https://example.com',
  onWeb: true,
  updateValidated: (isValid) => print('Validated: $isValid'),


void disconnect(DisconnectOptions options) {
  if (options.onWeb &&
      options.redirectURL != null &&
      options.redirectURL!.isNotEmpty) {
    // Redirect to the specified URL on the web
    // Replace with your web navigation logic as needed
  } else {
    // Display an alert if `showAlert` is provided
      message: 'You have been disconnected from the session.',
      type: 'danger',
      duration: 3000,

    // Delay and update the validation state if `updateValidated` is provided
    if (options.updateValidated != null) {
      Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {