createDeviceClient function

Future<Device?> createDeviceClient(
  1. {required CreateDeviceClientOptions options}

Creates a mediasoup client device with the provided RTP capabilities.

The CreateDeviceClientOptions is required and must contain the RTP capabilities.

Returns a Device object representing the created mediasoup client device or throws an Exception if the device creation is not supported.

Example usage:

final device = await createDeviceClient(
  options: CreateDeviceClientOptions(rtpCapabilities: rtpCapabilities),
if (device != null) {
  print("Device created successfully");
} else {
  print("Failed to create device");


Future<Device?> createDeviceClient(
    {required CreateDeviceClientOptions options}) async {
  try {
    // Check if rtpCapabilities is provided
    if (options.rtpCapabilities == null) {
      throw Exception('RTP capabilities must be provided.');

    // Initialize the mediasoup client device
    Device device = Device();

    // Remove orientation capabilities if present in rtpCapabilities directly
      (ext) => ext.uri == 'urn:3gpp:video-orientation',

    // Load the provided RTP capabilities into the device
    await device.load(routerRtpCapabilities: options.rtpCapabilities!);

    return device;
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.runtimeType.toString() == 'UnsupportedError') {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print('Device creation is not supported on this device.');
      return null;