switchVideo function

Future<void> switchVideo(
  1. SwitchVideoOptions options

Switches the user's video device based on the provided video preference.

This function performs the following tasks:

  • Checks if the room is audio-only and shows an alert if camera usage is restricted.
  • Validates recording states to determine if video can be switched.
  • Checks if camera access is allowed and prompts the user accordingly.
  • Updates the default and previous video input devices.
  • Calls the switchUserVideo function to perform the actual video device switching.


  • options (SwitchVideoOptions): Contains the videoPreference and parameters required for switching video.


final switchVideoOptions = SwitchVideoOptions(
  videoPreference: "newVideoDeviceID",
  parameters: SwitchVideoParameters(
    recordStarted: true,
    recordResumed: false,
    recordStopped: false,
    recordPaused: false,
    recordingMediaOptions: "video",
    videoAlreadyOn: true,
    userDefaultVideoInputDevice: "currentVideoDeviceID",
    defVideoID: "defaultVideoDeviceID",
    allowed: true,
    updateDefVideoID: (deviceId) => setDefVideoID(deviceId),
    updatePrevVideoInputDevice: (deviceId) => setPrevVideoDevice(deviceId),
    updateUserDefaultVideoInputDevice: (deviceId) => setUserDefaultVideo(deviceId),
    updateIsMediaSettingsModalVisible: (isVisible) => setMediaSettingsModal(isVisible),
    showAlert: (alertOptions) => showAlert(alertOptions),
    switchUserVideo: switchUserVideoFunction,

await switchVideo(switchVideoOptions);


Future<void> switchVideo(SwitchVideoOptions options) async {
  try {
    final parameters = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();

    // Destructure parameters for easier access
    bool recordStarted = parameters.recordStarted;
    bool recordResumed = parameters.recordResumed;
    bool recordStopped = parameters.recordStopped;
    bool recordPaused = parameters.recordPaused;
    String recordingMediaOptions = parameters.recordingMediaOptions;
    bool videoAlreadyOn = parameters.videoAlreadyOn;
    String userDefaultVideoInputDevice = parameters.userDefaultVideoInputDevice;
    String defVideoID = parameters.defVideoID;
    bool allowed = parameters.allowed;

    // Callback functions to update state
    final void Function(String) updateDefVideoID = parameters.updateDefVideoID;
    final void Function(String) updatePrevVideoInputDevice =
    final void Function(String) updateUserDefaultVideoInputDevice =
    final void Function(bool) updateIsMediaSettingsModalVisible =

    // mediasfu function to switch user video
    final SwitchUserVideoType switchUserVideo = parameters.switchUserVideo;

    // Optional alert function
    final ShowAlert? showAlert = parameters.showAlert;

    // Check if recording is in progress and whether the selected video device is the default one
    bool checkoff = false;
    if ((recordStarted || recordResumed) && !recordStopped && !recordPaused) {
      if (recordingMediaOptions == "video") {
        checkoff = true;

    // Check camera access permission
    if (!allowed) {
            "Allow access to your camera by starting it for the first time.",
        type: "danger",
        duration: 3000,

    // Check video state and display appropriate alert messages
    if (checkoff) {
      if (videoAlreadyOn) {
          message: "Please turn off your video before switching.",
          type: "danger",
          duration: 3000,
    } else {
      if (!videoAlreadyOn) {
          message: "Please turn on your video before switching.",
          type: "danger",
          duration: 3000,

    // Set default video ID if not already set
    if (defVideoID.isEmpty) {
      defVideoID = userDefaultVideoInputDevice.isNotEmpty
          ? userDefaultVideoInputDevice
          : "default";

    // Switch video only if the selected video device is different from the default
    if (options.videoPreference != defVideoID) {
      // Update previous video input device
      String prevVideoInputDevice = userDefaultVideoInputDevice;

      // Update current video input device
      userDefaultVideoInputDevice = options.videoPreference;

      // Hide media settings modal if visible

      // Perform the video switch using the mediasfu function
      final optionsSwitch = SwitchUserVideoOptions(
        parameters: parameters,
        videoPreference: options.videoPreference,
        checkoff: checkoff,
      await switchUserVideo(
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('switchVideo error: $error');