recordUpdateTimer function
- {required RecordUpdateTimerOptions options}
Updates the recording timer and formats the elapsed time in HH:MM:SS format.
The recordUpdateTimer
function calculates the elapsed recording time from the
start time, updates it, and formats it in a human-readable format (hours, minutes, seconds).
It also invokes callback functions to handle the elapsed time and formatted time display.
: An instance ofRecordUpdateTimerOptions
: The start time of the recording in milliseconds since epoch.recordElapsedTime
: The elapsed time since the start of recording (updated in seconds).updateRecordElapsedTime
: Callback to update the elapsed time in seconds.updateRecordingProgressTime
: Callback to update the formatted elapsed time (HH:MM:SS).
Example Usage:
// Define the callback for updating elapsed time
void updateElapsedTime(int elapsedTime) {
print('Elapsed Time: $elapsedTime seconds');
// Define the callback for updating formatted time
void updateFormattedTime(String formattedTime) {
print('Formatted Time: $formattedTime');
// Create options with a start time set to the current time
final options = RecordUpdateTimerOptions(
recordElapsedTime: 0,
updateRecordElapsedTime: updateElapsedTime,
updateRecordingProgressTime: updateFormattedTime,
// Call the function to update and display the recording time
recordUpdateTimer(options: options);
// Expected output:
// Elapsed Time: [seconds]
// Formatted Time: HH:MM:SS
This example demonstrates how to initialize and update the recording timer using the current start time.
void recordUpdateTimer({required RecordUpdateTimerOptions options}) {
// Utility function to pad single-digit numbers with leading zeros.
String padNumber(int number) {
return number.toString().padLeft(2, '0');
int currentTime =; // Get the current timestamp
options.recordElapsedTime = ((currentTime - options.recordStartTime) / 1000)
.floor(); // Calculate elapsed time in seconds
// Format the time in HH:MM:SS format
int hours = options.recordElapsedTime ~/ 3600;
int minutes = (options.recordElapsedTime % 3600) ~/ 60;
int seconds = options.recordElapsedTime % 60;
String formattedTime =