getProducersPiped function

Future<void> getProducersPiped(
  1. {required GetProducersPipedOptions options}

Retrieves piped producers and signals new consumer transport for each retrieved producer.

Emits a getProducersPipedAlt event to the server using the provided nsock socket instance, islevel flag, and parameters. The server responds with a list of producer IDs, and for each ID, this function calls the signalNewConsumerTransport function in parameters to handle the new consumer transport.

  • options (GetProducersPipedOptions): The options for the operation, including the socket instance, level, and additional parameters.


final parameters = GetProducersPipedParameters(
  member: 'memberId',
  signalNewConsumerTransport: (nsock, remoteProducerId, islevel, parameters) async {
    // Implementation for signaling new consumer transport

await getProducersPiped(
  options: GetProducersPipedOptions(
    nsock: socketInstance,
    islevel: '1',
    parameters: parameters,

Throws: Logs and rethrows any errors encountered during the operation.


Future<void> getProducersPiped({
  required GetProducersPipedOptions options,
}) async {
  try {
    final nsock = options.nsock;
    final islevel = options.islevel;
    final parameters = options.parameters;
    final member = parameters.member;
    final signalNewConsumerTransport = parameters.signalNewConsumerTransport;

    // Emit request to get piped producers
      {'islevel': islevel, 'member': member},
      ack: (dynamic producerIds) async {
        // Callback to handle the server response with producer IDs
        if (producerIds is List && producerIds.isNotEmpty) {
          for (final id in producerIds) {
            final options = SignalNewConsumerTransportOptions(
              nsock: nsock,
              remoteProducerId: id,
              islevel: islevel,
              parameters: parameters,
            await signalNewConsumerTransport(options);
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('Error getting piped producers: ${error.toString()}');