disconnectLocalSendTransportVideo function

Future<void> disconnectLocalSendTransportVideo(
  1. DisconnectSendTransportVideoOptions options

Disconnects the local send transport for video by closing the local video producer and notifying the server.


  • options (DisconnectSendTransportVideoOptions): Contains the parameters required for disconnecting the local video transport.


  1. Close Local Video Producer:
    • If an active local video producer exists, it is closed.
    • The local state is updated to reflect the closed producer.
  2. Notify Server:
    • Emits pauseProducerMedia event with mediaTag as video to notify about the paused local video producer.


  • A Future<void> that completes when the local video transport is successfully disconnected.

Error Handling:

  • Logs errors to the console in debug mode and rethrows them for higher-level handling.

Example Usage:

final options = DisconnectSendTransportVideoOptions(
  parameters: myDisconnectSendTransportVideoParameters,

  .then(() => print('Local video send transport disconnected successfully'))
  .catchError((error) => print('Error disconnecting local video send transport: $error'));


Future<void> disconnectLocalSendTransportVideo(
    DisconnectSendTransportVideoOptions options) async {
  try {
    final parameters = options.parameters;

    final Producer? localVideoProducer = parameters.localVideoProducer;
    final io.Socket? localSocket = parameters.localSocket;
    final String roomName = parameters.roomName;
    final void Function(Producer? localVideoProducer)?
        updateLocalVideoProducer = parameters.updateLocalVideoProducer;

    if (localSocket == null || localSocket.id == null) {
      // Local socket is not connected; nothing to disconnect

    // Close the local video producer and update the state
    if (localVideoProducer != null) {
      updateLocalVideoProducer?.call(null); // Set to null after closing

    // Notify the server about closing the local video producer and pausing video sharing
    localSocket.emit('pauseProducerMedia', {
      'mediaTag': 'video',
      'roomName': roomName,
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('Error disconnecting local send transport for video: $error');
    rethrow; // Re-throw to propagate the error