controlMedia function

Future<void> controlMedia(
  1. ControlMediaOptions options

Controls media for a participant in a room by sending a controlMedia event to the server.

This function allows specific users, like admins and authorized co-hosts, to manage the media (audio, video, screenshare, or all) for other participants in a room. The function checks permissions based on participant level, co-host responsibilities, and media type before sending a control request to the server. Unauthorized users receive an alert instead.


  • options (ControlMediaOptions): Configuration and details for controlling media, including:
    • participantId (String): The unique ID of the participant whose media is being controlled.
    • participantName (String): The name of the participant.
    • type (String): Type of media to control, one of 'audio', 'video', 'screenshare', or 'all'.
    • socket (io.Socket): The socket connection for communication.
    • coHostResponsibility (List<CoHostResponsibility>): Responsibilities assigned to the co-host.
    • participants (List<Participant>): List of participants in the room.
    • member (String): Current user’s ID.
    • islevel (String): Level of control for the current user (e.g., admin level).
    • showAlert (ShowAlert?): Optional function for showing alerts to the user.
    • coHost (String): ID of the co-host.
    • roomName (String): Name of the room where the control action is being performed.

Logic Flow:

  1. Permission Check:
    • Checks if the current user has permission to control media by verifying admin level or co-host responsibilities.
  2. Participant Lookup:
    • Searches for the specified participant in the room. If not found, the function logs an error and exits.
  3. Media Type and Status Check:
    • Based on the specified media type, checks the current state (e.g., if the participant is muted).
  4. Emit Control Event:
    • If the user has permission and conditions are met, emits a controlMedia event with media details.
    • If the user lacks permission, displays an alert.


  • Exception: Logs an error if an issue occurs while attempting to control media.


final options = ControlMediaOptions(
  participantId: 'participant-123',
  participantName: 'John Doe',
  type: 'audio',
  socket: socket,
  coHostResponsibility: myCoHostResponsibility,
  participants: myParticipants,
  member: 'user-456',
  islevel: '1',
  showAlert: (alert) => print(alert['message']),
  coHost: 'cohost-789',
  roomName: 'Room 1',

controlMedia(options).then(() {
  print('Media control action executed successfully');
}).catchError((error) {
  print('Error controlling media: $error');


  • Only participants with sufficient permission (admin or authorized co-hosts) can control media.
  • An alert is displayed for unauthorized attempts.


Future<void> controlMedia(ControlMediaOptions options) async {
  try {
    bool mediaValue = false;

    // Check co-host responsibilities for media control
    try {
      mediaValue = options.coHostResponsibility
          .firstWhere((item) => == 'media')
    } catch (error) {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print('Error retrieving media control value: $error');

    // Find the participant by name
    Participant? participant = options.participants.firstWhere(
        (obj) => == options.participantName,
        orElse: () => Participant(id: '', name: '', audioID: '', videoID: ''));

    if ( {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print('Participant not found');

    // Check permissions and media type conditions
    if (options.islevel == '2' ||
        (options.coHost == options.member && mediaValue)) {
      if ((!participant.muted! &&
              participant.islevel != '2' &&
              options.type == 'audio') ||
          (participant.islevel != '2' &&
              options.type == 'video' &&
              participant.videoOn!)) {
        // Emit controlMedia event to the server
        options.socket!.emit('controlMedia', {
          'participantId': options.participantId,
          'participantName': options.participantName,
          'type': options.type,
          'roomName': options.roomName,
    } else {
      // Show an alert if the user is not allowed to control media
        message: 'You are not allowed to control media for other participants.',
        type: 'danger',
        duration: 3000,
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('controlMedia error: $error $stackTrace');