compareScreenStates function

Future<void> compareScreenStates(
  1. CompareScreenStatesOptions options

Compares the current screenStates list with the prevScreenStates list and triggers actions if there are differences. This is useful for detecting changes in screen states and responding accordingly in a real-time application.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. If the restart flag is true, it skips the comparison and exits early.
  2. Iterates through each pair of screenStates and prevScreenStates, comparing key-value pairs.
  3. If any differences are detected between a current and previous screen state, it triggers an action.
  4. The trigger action is based on the recordingDisplayType and recordingVideoOptimized flags.


  • options (CompareScreenStatesOptions): Configuration options for the function:
    • restart (bool): When true, the function exits without performing comparisons.
    • parameters (CompareScreenStatesParameters): Provides the lists of screenStates and prevScreenStates for comparison, as well as the activeNames for triggering events when changes are detected.


A Future<void> that completes when the comparison and possible trigger actions are finished.

Example Usage:

final options = CompareScreenStatesOptions(
  restart: false,
  parameters: MyCompareScreenStatesParameters(
    recordingDisplayType: 'video',
    recordingVideoOptimized: true,
    screenStates: [ScreenState(...), ScreenState(...)],
    prevScreenStates: [ScreenState(...), ScreenState(...)],
    activeNames: ['name1', 'name2'],
    trigger: (TriggerOptions options) => print('Triggered with ${options.refActiveNames}'),

compareScreenStates(options).then((_) {
  print('Screen states compared successfully');

Error Handling:

If an error occurs during the comparison or triggering process, it is caught and logged in debug mode without being rethrown.


Future<void> compareScreenStates(CompareScreenStatesOptions options) async {
  var parameters = options.parameters.getUpdatedAllParams();

  // Extract parameters
  String recordingDisplayType = parameters.recordingDisplayType;
  bool recordingVideoOptimized = parameters.recordingVideoOptimized;
  List<ScreenState> screenStates = parameters.screenStates;
  List<ScreenState> prevScreenStates = parameters.prevScreenStates;
  List<String> activeNames = parameters.activeNames;
  var trigger = parameters.trigger;

  try {
    // Restart the comparison if needed
    if (options.restart) {
      // Perform necessary actions on restart if specified

    // Compare each key-value pair in screenStates objects
    for (int i = 0; i < screenStates.length; i++) {
      final currentScreenState = screenStates[i].toMap();
      final prevScreenState = prevScreenStates[i].toMap();

      // Check if any value has changed
      final hasChanged = currentScreenState.keys.any(
        (key) => currentScreenState[key] != prevScreenState[key],

      // Signal change if any value has changed
      if (hasChanged) {
        // Perform actions or trigger events based on the change
        if (recordingDisplayType == 'video' && recordingVideoOptimized) {
          final optionsTrigger = TriggerOptions(
            parameters: parameters,
            refActiveNames: activeNames,
        final optionsTrigger = TriggerOptions(
          parameters: parameters,
          refActiveNames: activeNames,
  } catch (error) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      print('compareScreenStates error: $error');