
  • OnInit
  • OnDestroy
  • OnChanges



  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.

    Returns void

  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked data-bound properties if at least one has changed, and before the view and content children are checked.


    • changes: SimpleChanges

      The changed properties.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • shape: any

    Returns ({
        x: any;
        y: any;
        isCenter: boolean;
    } | {
        x: any;
        y: any;
        isCenter: boolean;


customWidth: number
customHeight: number
parameters: WhiteboardParameters = ...
showAspect: boolean
canvasRef: ElementRef<HTMLCanvasElement>
textInputRef: ElementRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>
toggleBackgroundRef: ElementRef<HTMLButtonElement>
downloadLinkRef: ElementRef<HTMLAnchorElement>
tempCanvasRef: ElementRef<HTMLCanvasElement>
faTimes: IconDefinition = faTimes
faUndo: IconDefinition = faUndo
faRedo: IconDefinition = faRedo
faEraser: IconDefinition = faEraser
faShapes: IconDefinition = faShapes
faMousePointer: IconDefinition = faMousePointer
faHandPaper: IconDefinition = faHandPaper
faTextHeight: IconDefinition = faTextHeight
faFont: IconDefinition = faFont
faPencilAlt: IconDefinition = faPencilAlt
faPaintBrush: IconDefinition = faPaintBrush
faTrash: IconDefinition = faTrash
faSave: IconDefinition = faSave
faSearch: IconDefinition = faSearch
faSearchMinus: IconDefinition = faSearchMinus
faSearchPlus: IconDefinition = faSearchPlus
faChevronLeft: IconDefinition = faChevronLeft
faUpload: IconDefinition = faUpload
faChevronRight: IconDefinition = faChevronRight
lineType: string = 'solid'
color: string = '#000000'
toolbarVisible: boolean = true
dropdownOpen: null | string = null