VideoCard component represents a customizable video display card with participant controls for toggling audio and video. It also animates an audio waveform if sound is detected in the participant's audio stream.



[CommonModule, FontAwesomeModule, CardVideoDisplay]


customStyle - Styles for the card container.

name - Name of the participant displayed on the card.

barColor - Color of the waveform bars. Default is 'red'.

textColor - Color of the name text. Default is 'white'.

imageSource - Source URL of the participant's image.

roundedImage - Whether the image should have rounded corners.

imageStyle - Additional styles for the image.

remoteProducerId - ID of the remote media producer.

eventType - Type of event (used for internal logic).

forceFullDisplay - Forces full display if true.

videoStream - Stream of the video to be displayed.

showControls - Determines if the controls are displayed. Default is true.

showInfo - Determines if info (e.g., participant name) is shown. Default is true.

videoInfoComponent - Custom component for video info display.

videoControlsComponent - Custom component for video controls.

controlsPosition - Position of controls overlay.

infoPosition - Position of info overlay.

participant - Participant data object.

backgroundColor - Background color of the video card.

audioDecibels - Audio decibel data for animating waveform.

doMirror - If true, mirrors the video display.

parameters - Additional parameters including socket and alert configuration.

ngOnInit - Lifecycle hook to initialize audio decibel interval check.

ngOnDestroy - Lifecycle hook to clear intervals.

animateWaveform - Starts audio waveform animation.

resetWaveform - Resets waveform animations.

getAnimationDuration - Returns animation duration for given bar index.

toggleAudio - Toggles participant's audio status.

toggleVideo - Toggles participant's video status.

renderControls - Renders the control buttons (audio and video) based on participant status.

getOverlayPosition - Returns overlay position styles based on the input position string.

isCustomComponent - Checks if a component is a custom component.

isFunctionComponent - Checks if a component is a function component.


  • OnInit
  • OnDestroy


  • Parameters

    • controlMediaService: ControlMedia
    • injectedCustomStyle: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>
    • injectedName: string
    • injectedBarColor: string
    • injectedTextColor: string
    • injectedImageSource: string
    • injectedRoundedImage: boolean
    • injectedImageStyle: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>
    • injectedRemoteProducerId: string
    • injectedEventType: EventType
    • injectedForceFullDisplay: boolean
    • injectedVideoStream: null | MediaStream
    • injectedShowControls: boolean
    • injectedShowInfo: boolean
    • injectedVideoInfoComponent: HTMLElement
    • injectedVideoControlsComponent: HTMLElement
    • injectedControlsPosition:
          | "topLeft"
          | "topRight"
          | "bottomLeft"
          | "bottomRight"
    • injectedInfoPosition:
          | "topLeft"
          | "topRight"
          | "bottomLeft"
          | "bottomRight"
    • injectedParticipant: Participant
    • injectedBackgroundColor: string
    • injectedAudioDecibels: AudioDecibels[]
    • injectedDoMirror: boolean
    • injectedParameters: VideoCardParameters

    Returns VideoCard


  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.

    Returns void

  • Returns
        | null
        | HTMLElement
        | CustomComponent
        | "\n <div class=\"overlayControls\">\n <button class=\"controlButton\" (click)=\"toggleAudio()\">\n <fa-icon [icon]=\"participant?.muted ? faMicrophoneSlash : faMicrophone\" [style.color]=\"participant?.muted ? 'red' : 'green'\"></fa-icon>\n </button>\n <button class=\"controlButton\" (click)=\"toggleVideo()\">\n <fa-icon [icon]=\"participant?.videoOn ? faVideo : faVideoSlash\" [style.color]=\"participant?.videoOn ? 'green' : 'red'\"></fa-icon>\n </button>\n </div>\n "


customStyle: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
name: string
barColor: string = 'red'
textColor: string = 'white'
imageSource: string
roundedImage: boolean = false
imageStyle: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
remoteProducerId: string
eventType: EventType
forceFullDisplay: boolean
videoStream: null | MediaStream = null
showControls: boolean = true
showInfo: boolean = true
videoInfoComponent?: HTMLElement | CustomComponent
videoControlsComponent?: HTMLElement | CustomComponent
    | "topLeft"
    | "topRight"
    | "bottomLeft"
    | "bottomRight" = 'topLeft'
    | "topLeft"
    | "topRight"
    | "bottomLeft"
    | "bottomRight" = 'topRight'
participant: Participant
backgroundColor: string
audioDecibels: AudioDecibels[] = []
doMirror: boolean
waveformAnimations: number[] = ...

Array representing animation states for waveform bars.

showWaveform: boolean = true

Flag to toggle waveform animation. Default is true.

interval: any

Interval reference for audio decibel checks.

faMicrophone: IconDefinition = faMicrophone

FontAwesome icon for microphone.

faMicrophoneSlash: IconDefinition = faMicrophoneSlash

FontAwesome icon for muted microphone.

faVideo: IconDefinition = faVideo

FontAwesome icon for video.

faVideoSlash: IconDefinition = faVideoSlash

FontAwesome icon for video off.