Class OtherGridComponent

OtherGridComponent represents a customizable grid container with optional meeting progress timer.



CommonModule, MeetingProgressTimer

The template consists of:

  • A grid container styled with specified dimensions, background color, and border.
  • An optional MeetingProgressTimer component displayed within the grid if showTimer is true.
  • Default border, padding, and display styles for the grid container.
  • backgroundColor (string): Background color of the grid container. Default is 'transparent'.
  • width (number): Width of the grid in pixels. Default is 0.
  • height (number): Height of the grid in pixels. Default is 0.
  • showAspect (boolean): Controls visibility of the grid container. Default is true.
  • timeBackgroundColor (string): Background color of the timer. Default is 'green'.
  • showTimer (boolean): Determines if the timer should be displayed. Default is false.
  • meetingProgressTime (string): Time to display in the timer. Default is '00:00:00'.





backgroundColor: string = 'transparent'
width: number = 0
height: number = 0
showAspect: boolean = true
timeBackgroundColor: string = 'green'
showTimer: boolean = false
meetingProgressTime: string = '00:00:00'