Class EventSettingsModal

EventSettingsModal component provides a modal interface to manage and update event settings like audio, video, screenshare, and chat settings.



[CommonModule, FontAwesomeModule, FormsModule]


isEventSettingsModalVisible - Indicates if the event settings modal is visible.

onEventSettingsClose - Callback to close the modal.

onModifyEventSettings - Callback to handle event settings modifications.

position - Position of the modal on the screen, default is 'topRight'.

backgroundColor - Background color of the modal, default is '#83c0e9'.

audioSetting - Current audio setting.

videoSetting - Current video setting.

screenshareSetting - Current screenshare setting.

chatSetting - Current chat setting.

updateAudioSetting - Function to update audio setting.

updateVideoSetting - Function to update video setting.

updateScreenshareSetting - Function to update screenshare setting.

updateChatSetting - Function to update chat setting.

updateIsSettingsModalVisible - Function to update modal visibility.

roomName - Room name associated with the settings.

socket - Socket for real-time communication.

[showAlert] - Optional alert function.

Service for modifying settings.

ngOnInit - Initializes the component and binds the settings modification service.

ngOnChanges - Updates internal states when isEventSettingsModalVisible changes.

Object containing previous and current values of bound properties.

updateStatesFromParameters - Sets internal state variables based on input parameters.

getModalContentStyle - Returns style object for modal content with dynamic positioning and size.

Style object for modal content.

handleSaveSettings - Invokes the settings modification function with updated values.

Promise that resolves after saving settings.

closeModal - Closes the modal.


  • OnInit
  • OnChanges



  • Returns {
        backgroundColor: string;
        borderRadius: string;
        padding: string;
        width: string;
        maxHeight: string;
        overflowY: string;
        top: string;
        bottom: string;
        left: string;
        right: string;

    • backgroundColor: string
    • borderRadius: string
    • padding: string
    • width: string
    • maxHeight: string
    • overflowY: string
    • top: string
    • bottom: string
    • left: string
    • right: string


isEventSettingsModalVisible: boolean = false
onEventSettingsClose: (() => void)
onModifyEventSettings: ((options: ModifySettingsOptions) => Promise<void>)
position: string = 'topRight'
backgroundColor: string = '#83c0e9'
audioSetting: string = ''
videoSetting: string = ''
screenshareSetting: string = ''
chatSetting: string = ''
updateAudioSetting: ((setting: string) => void)
updateVideoSetting: ((setting: string) => void)
updateScreenshareSetting: ((setting: string) => void)
updateChatSetting: ((setting: string) => void)
updateIsSettingsModalVisible: ((isVisible: boolean) => void)
roomName: string = ''
socket: Socket<DefaultEventsMap, DefaultEventsMap> = ...
showAlert?: ShowAlert
audioState: string

Internal state for audio setting.

videoState: string

Internal state for video setting.

screenshareState: string

Internal state for screenshare setting.

chatState: string

Internal state for chat setting.

faTimes: IconDefinition = faTimes

FontAwesome icon for the close button.