AudioCard component renders an audio card for participants with customizable options and media controls.
It shows audio waveform animations, video/audio toggle buttons, and additional info based on injected or passed properties.
CommonModule, FontAwesomeModule, MiniCard
controlUserMedia (function): Optional function to control media actions for a participant.
customStyle (Partial): Custom CSS styles for the audio card.
name (string): Name of the participant.
barColor (string): Color for the audio bar. Default is 'red'.
textColor (string): Text color. Default is 'white'.
imageSource (string): Image source URL for participant.
roundedImage (boolean): Toggle for rounded image style.
imageStyle (Partial): Custom styles for the image.
showControls (boolean): Toggle for displaying media controls. Default is true.
showInfo (boolean): Toggle for displaying info section. Default is true.
videoInfoComponent (HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Custom component for participant info.
videoControlsComponent (HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Custom component for video controls.
controlsPosition (ControlsPosition): Position for controls on the card. Default is 'topLeft'.
infoPosition (InfoPosition): Position for the info section. Default is 'topRight'.
participant (Participant | null): Participant object reference.
backgroundColor (string): Background color for the card.
audioDecibels (AudioDecibels): Optional audio decibel levels for the participant.
parameters (AudioCardParameters): Required object with configuration parameters.
ngOnInit(): Initializes the component, sets default media control behavior, and activates audio waveform animations.
ngOnDestroy(): Clears the animation interval.
animateBar(index: number): Animates the audio bar at a specified index.
animateWaveform(): Triggers animations across the waveform bars.
resetWaveform(): Resets waveform animations to default.
getAnimationDuration(index: number): Retrieves the animation duration for a bar by index.
toggleAudio(): Toggles audio for the participant if media control function is defined.
toggleVideo(): Toggles video for the participant if media control function is defined.
renderControls(): Returns showControls to render or hide media controls.
combineStyles(baseStyle: any, additionalStyles: any): Combines base and additional styles for inline styling.
getOverlayPosition(position: string): Retrieves calculated overlay position for elements.
isCustomComponent(comp: HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Type guard for identifying custom components.
isFunctionComponent(comp: HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Type guard for identifying function components.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after the
default change detector has checked the directive's
data-bound properties for the first time,
and before any of the view or content children have been checked.
It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
Returns void
ngOnDestroy(): void
A callback method that performs custom clean-up, invoked immediately
before a directive, pipe, or service instance is destroyed.
AudioCard component renders an audio card for participants with customizable options and media controls. It shows audio waveform animations, video/audio toggle buttons, and additional info based on injected or passed properties.
CommonModule, FontAwesomeModule, MiniCard
(function): Optional function to control media actions for a participant.customStyle
(string): Name of the participant.barColor
(string): Color for the audio bar. Default is 'red'.textColor
(string): Text color. Default is 'white'.imageSource
(string): Image source URL for participant.roundedImage
(boolean): Toggle for rounded image style.imageStyle
(boolean): Toggle for displaying media controls. Default is true.showInfo
(boolean): Toggle for displaying info section. Default is true.videoInfoComponent
(HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Custom component for participant info.videoControlsComponent
(HTMLElement | CustomComponent): Custom component for video controls.controlsPosition
(ControlsPosition): Position for controls on the card. Default is 'topLeft'.infoPosition
(InfoPosition): Position for the info section. Default is 'topRight'.participant
(Participant | null): Participant object reference.backgroundColor
(string): Background color for the card.audioDecibels
(AudioDecibels): Optional audio decibel levels for the participant.parameters
(AudioCardParameters): Required object with configuration parameters.Methods
: Initializes the component, sets default media control behavior, and activates audio waveform animations.ngOnDestroy()
: Clears the animation interval.animateBar(index: number)
: Animates the audio bar at a specified index.animateWaveform()
: Triggers animations across the waveform bars.resetWaveform()
: Resets waveform animations to default.getAnimationDuration(index: number)
: Retrieves the animation duration for a bar by index.toggleAudio()
: Toggles audio for the participant if media control function is defined.toggleVideo()
: Toggles video for the participant if media control function is defined.renderControls()
: ReturnsshowControls
to render or hide media controls.combineStyles(baseStyle: any, additionalStyles: any)
: Combines base and additional styles for inline styling.getOverlayPosition(position: string)
: Retrieves calculated overlay position for elements.isCustomComponent(comp: HTMLElement | CustomComponent)
: Type guard for identifying custom components.isFunctionComponent(comp: HTMLElement | CustomComponent)
: Type guard for identifying function components.Example